Mother Nature may be serving up Mt Baker with a big bag of wet dicks lately but...…

Mother Nature may be serving up Mt Baker with a big bag of wet dicks lately but the woods in the backyard are still in decent shape. Been getting out on the bike with my good friend Robster a day here and there that past couple weeks under the damp green PNW canopy. Been really enjoying our rides and time together. I snapped this shot of @robkunch ripping down a @jeffjaap masterpiece yesterday afternoon at Galby. Stoked on the feel of this photo and how it turned out. Shooting in the depths of the woods in the winter really presses me to be a better photographer and really keeps my interest peaked in the craft. It's also been getting me hyped to get back to work on the new trail @treelines_northwest. #mtb #galbraith #mountainbike #bellingham #treelines #freehubmag #ridebikesnotyourmomscock @freehubmag

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