08/01/2015 | This is my friend Chris Luna. He's been riding bikes his whole lif...


08/01/2015 | This is my friend Chris Luna. He's been riding bikes his whole life and building trails just as long. He informed me the other day that he could count the number of pictures he has of himself actually riding his bike on one hand. I was sad. Pictures help preserve memories. I love making rad memories especially with friends. This is Chris @biking_thomas hitting the Mike Kinradical step up on the trail we built while up at Retallack, BC last summer. Now you'll have to use two hands to count those shots bud. Can't wait to go make some more memories with the @treelines_northwest crew out in the woods. #mtb #trailbuilding #nodignoride #explorebc #strobist #tbt #mountainbiking #freehubmag @retallacklodge

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