Gunstock Ride from Likin Bikin : Alton, NH

Article of the Week:

Taxonomy upgrade extras

ALTON, New Hampshire
Words & Photos Daniel Mutz

A few weeks ago, I was looking for another place to ride. Something new, single-trackie, closer to the shop and with “expansion potential” (because trail work is fun).

Since we opened, we’ve had some local customers mention a now extinct XC race series which used to be held at a local ski area, Gunstock Mountain Resort. This makes sense ‘cuz Gunstock is a popular local winter gathering for downhill and xc skiers. Worth the 10 minute ride over there to have a look around? Heck yeah.

Rolling into the base area, it was clear that the place is in fact, open year-round. Campers, hikers, concrete skate/bike park parkers, but no mountain bikers? So I parked the truck and headed into the lodge to see what was up.

Inside, the ticketer/shop keeper/trail-patroller/all-around nice lady handed me a map of the area, highlighted some recommended routes, waived the $5 trail use fee and sent me on my way.

Looking at the map, the place should be an MTB wonderland. Trails everywhere! On the face, on the DH runs as well as in the thick xc woods. I figured that I’d start at the top.

I had my MisfitPsycles singlespeed 29er (plug) with me on this expedition. For pedaling up to the ridge, I decided to utilize a steeeep fireroad called only “17”. And steep it was! Maybe with some granny-gearing, it would be climbable, but for me, let’s just say some hike-a-biking exists in my relationship with the “17”.

At the top of the fireroad is the peak of Mt. Rowe. Here you’ll find only a cell-tower, the trail you just climbed, and a singletrack called “Tiger Top” (or “B16”) leading off into the trees. That single track is why you have killed yourself climbing up to this point … and it’s worth it!

B16 follows a ridgeline from Mt Rowe peak southward toward Gunstock Summit. This trail is one of the best slices of singletrack I’ve ridden… Like a long pumptrack of tight berms, natural granite rollers, fast rocky descents, bursting pedal sections, oh yeah, and amazing friggin’ views! Absolutely bitchin’ (and I don’t use “bitchin” for just anything). Seriously, riding this section without hugely grinning the whole time warrants CPR… or changing your sport (or possibly both if you’re a golfer)

Where were we… oh yeah, at the end of  B16, you pop out onto another wide, steep trail called “25”. (Clever trail names, eh?) Here you can bang a left and head down toward the base area, or turn right and climb to the summit…. I climbed.

Once again, I spent some quality time hiking with my bike, and once again, it was totally worth it. At the top is Gunstock Summit. A cool little cabin with chairs on the porch offers a nice spot for snackin’. There’s also a summit lodge (closed) with an open “veranda” overlooking the whole area with even more tremendous views of Lake Winnipesaukee.

After resting, refueling, and photo-opp’ing at the summit, it was time to descend. There is a tight singletrack to the west of and parallel to that “25” climb. Watch out for the occasional waterbar, and let’r rip. This long fun section is steep and fast.  Soon you’ll merge back onto the lower half of “25” and descend to the base area.

You’ve just completed the summit loop. But you ain’t done yet. It’s extra-credit time!

Head over to the XC/Nordic/Snowshoeing trails. On the map, there appears to be about 20 (or so) trails in this bit of the woods. I wasn’t able to cover all of ‘em, but one trail called Cobble Crown seemed like a great place to start. Twisting, winding, climbing, and descending its way through the thick and secluded forest, this single track has as much changeling ruggedness as it has fast, clean flow aka more awesomeness.

I did scout out a few of the other xc ski trails in the area, planning my imminent return to the area. Some were in better shape than others. Mostly due to only occasional cycle use, some sections were a bit tough to follow. Maybe we’ll get some more racing going up there in the coming year, and with a little more maintenance, get this place on the summer destination list that it has the potential to be!

Now to answer the two questions I know you’ve had since the beginning of this article:

1. No, the chairlifts are not rigged for bicycles. You gotta “pedal” up.

2. Yes, “single-trackie” is a word… phrase… whatever.

See ya in NH!
Daniel Mutz
Likin’ Bikin’ Bicycle Shop
Alton, NH